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Herbal Products For Vertebra and Bone Problems









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Y14: Bone-Strengthening Capsule


Drynaria root

Functions and Indications:

Tonifying kidneys, strengthening bone and stopping pains. It is used treat kidney-yang deficiency characterized by bone wilting, with the symptoms of bone frangibility, backache, lumbago, joint pains of the limbs, cold limbs, aversion to coldness, cramps, weak lower limbs, frequent urine at night, primary osteoporosis, reduced bone intensity.  


To be taken orally with warm water, one pill each time and three times a day.


12 pills/packet


Beijing Qihuang Herbal Product CO., LTD.


Y13: Capsule For Bones And Sinews* 


Frankincense, corydalis tuber, curcuma tuber, dragon's blood, notoginseng root, large gentian root, achyranthes root, myrrh, saussurea root, nux vomica, carthamus flower, cinnamom twig, duhuo angelica root, white peony root.

Functions and Indications:

To quicken the blood circulation and transform stasis, soothe the sinews and free the network vessels, dispel wind and relieve the pain. It is mainly used for hypertrophic spondylitis, cervical spondylosis, calcaneal spur, hypertrophic arthritis, Kaschin-Beck's disease, and so on.


To be taken orally, 3 to 4 pills each time, and three times a day.


1.   Pregnant women should not take it.

2.   It is not a product for long-term taking.

3.   Those with heart diseases, hypertension, liver and kidneys diseases, and women during the menstruation should not take it.

4.   Athletes should be careful use it.


12 pills/plate×3 plates/packet


Hunan Kangpu Herbal Product CO., LTD.


Y12: Hyperosteogeny Anti-Inflammation Tablet*


Cooked rehmannia root, millettia root and stem, epimedium, radish seed, lycium berry, cynomorium stem, dipsacus root, cibotium root, drynaria root.

Functions and Indications:

Supplementing the liver, boosting the kidneys and quickening the blood. It is mainly used for hyperosteogeny, such as aching lumbus and knees, and joint pain caused by dual vacuity of the liver and kidneys.


To be taken orally, 6 tablets each time, three times a day.


Pregnant women should not take it.


12 tablets ×3 plates/packet


Tonghua Zhenghe Herbal Product CO., LTD.




Y01: Anti-Osteohyperplasia Tablet


Cooked rehmannia root, cistanche stem, cibotium, ligustrum seed, drynaria, millettia root and stem, radish seed.

Functions and Indications:

Tonifying loins and kidneys, strengthening tendons and bones, quickening blood circulation, moving qi, and alleviating pains. It can be used for inflammation of the vertebra, syndrome of the cervical vertebra, osteohyperplasia.


To be taken orally, four tablets each time, twice a day.


48 tablets/packet


Tonghua Jinma Herbal Product CO., LTD.



Y02: Neck Recovering Granule


Pueraria root, notopterygium, frankincense, myrrha, earthworm, salvia root, ligusticum root, white peony root, wingless cockroach.

Functions and Indications:

Quickening blood circulation, opening channels, dispelling wind evil, alleviating pains. It is used to treat problems of the cervical vertebra which result in lack of blood supply to the brain, dizziness, stiff neck, aching pains of the shoulders and back, numb upper limbs.


To be dissolved in luke-warm boiled water to take orally after meal, one to two sachets each time, twice a day.

Pregnant women, patients with gastric ulcer, hypertension are not advised to take this product.


10 sachets/packet


Chengde TCM Group. 



  Y03: Osteohyperplasia-Curing Pill


Prepared rehmannia root, cistanche stem (steamed), salt-prepared cibotium, ligustrum seed, epimedium, millettia root and stem, achyranthes root, stir-fried radish seed, drynaria root.

Functions and Indications:

Tonifying kidneys and loins, strengthening tendons and bones, quickening blood circulation, smoothening qi, stopping pains. It is used to treat inflammatory vertebras, cervical vertebra syndrome, and hyperplasia of the bones.


To be taken orally, eleven pills each time, three times a day.


220 pills/packet


Jilin Jibang Herbal Product CO., LTD.



Y04: Vertebra Pain Calming Pills


White peony root, pueraria root, dipsacus root, cibotium, peach kernel, ground pine, safflower, frankincense, myrrha, achyranthes root.

Functions and Indications:

Quickening blood circulation, opening network-channels, stopping pains. This product is used to treat cervical vertebra problems and lumbar vertebra problems due to wind cold obstructing the channels. The symptoms are characterized by painful neck and shoulders, limited movement, numb upper limbs, etc.


To be taken orally after meal when being dissolved in luke-warm drinking water, five pills each time, three times a day.

Pregnant women are not advised to use it.


60 pills/packet


Chengde Yanfeng Herbal Product CO., LTD.



Y05: Bone Immortal Tablet


Cooked rehmannia root, lycium berry, ligustrum seed, black bean, cuscuta seed, drynaria, curculigo, achyranthes root.

Functions and Indications:

Supplementing essence, enriching marrow, strengthening loins, fortifying kidneys, strengthening sinews and bones, soothing sinews, quickening blood circulation of network channels, nourishing blood, checking pains. This product is used to treat hyperplasia of the bones.


Please do not use it when catching a common cold.


To be taken orally, four to five tablets each time, three times a day.


72 tablets/packet


Guangzhou Zhongyi Herbal Product CO., LTD.



Y06: Bone-Hyperplasia Pain-Stopping Capsule


Prepared wild aconite, prepared main tuber of aconite, large gentian root, angelica dahurian root, licorice root, fish poison yam, coix seed, arisaema, carthamus flower, tangkuei root, paniculate cynanchum.

Functions and Indications:

Expelling wind evil and stopping pains. This product is used to treat hyperplasia of bones, rheumatic arthritis and pains.


Patients with kidney problems are not advised to take this product.


To be taken orally, 4 capsules each time, twice to three times a day.


24 capsules/packet


Shanxi Renguantang Herbal Product CO., LTD. 



Y07: Huatuo Musk Bone-Connecting Capsule


Wingless cockroach, dipsacus root, pyrite, drynaria root, dragon's blood, sappan wood, tangkuei root, notoginseng, carthamus flower, ligusticum root, musk, nux vomica.

Functions and Indications:

Dissipating blood stasis, stopping pains, connecting bones and healing sinews. This product is used to treat trauma, bone fracture, injured sinew, blood stasis, lumbar strains.

Pregnant women are not advised to use it.


To be taken orally, five capsules each time, three times a day.


36 capsules/packet


Jilin Shuangyao Herbal Product CO., LTD.


Y08: Bone Hyperplasia Pill


Paniculate cynanchum, fish poison yam, prepared arisaema, prepared aconite main tuber, prepared wild aconite, large gentian root, tangkuei root, carthamus flower, coix seed, angelica dahurian root, licorice root.

Functions and Indications:

Expelling wind and stopping pains. This product is used to treat hyperplasia of bones, rheumatic arthritis, rheumatic pains.


Patients with kidney problems are not advised to take this product.


To be taken orally, one small sachet each time, twice to three times a day.


10 small sachets/packet


Hebei Waushi Herbal Product CO., LTD.



Y09: Notoginseng Trauma Tablet


Notoginseng, steamed wild aconite, borneol, drynaria root, carthamus flower, formosan elder, red peony root.

Functions and Indications:

Soothing sinews, quickening blood circulation, dissipating blood stasis, stopping pains. This product is used to treat trauma, sprain, pains of the muscles and joints due to rheumatism, neuralgia.


Please take this product according to normal dosage since it works strongly. Pregnant women are not advised to use it. People with problems of the heart and vessels should be cautious in taking this product.


To be taken orally, three tablets each time, three times a day.


48 tablets/packet


Shanxi Hengtai Herbal Product CO., LTD.



Y10: Notoginseng Trauma Pill


Notoginseng, rhubarb, dragon blood, red peony root, wingless cockroach, carthamus flower, myrrha, frankincense, tangkuei root, sappan wood, bitter orange, rehmannia root, peach kernel, lycopus, alisma tuber.

Functions and Indications:

Quickening blood circulation, removing blood stasis, reducing swelling, stopping pains. This product is used to treat falls, trauma, swelling, pains.

Pregnant women are not advised to use it.


To be taken orally with luke-warm drinking water, a small sachet (12 grams) each time, twice a day.


6 sachets/packet


Jiangxi Xinghe Herbal Product CO., LTD.


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