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Herbal Products For Urinary System









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Q28: Prostatitis Pleasure Capsule


 Epimedium, astragalus root, typha pollen, plantago, achyranthes root.

 Functions and Indications:

 Tonifying the kidneys and boosting qi, transforming stasis and treating stranguria.

This product is used to treat the prostatic hyperplasia and chronic prostatitis which is characterized by

deficiency of both kidneys and spleen, qi stagnation and blood stasis. The symptoms are pale

complexion, tiredness and weakness, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, the distention of the

lower belly, dribbling urine, frequent urination, urinary urgency, painful urination.


To be taken orally, five capsules each time, three times a day.


36 capsules /packet


Tonghua Siwei Herbal Product Industry CO., LTD.


Q27: Stones-Expelling Granule*


Glechoma, plantago seed, paniculate cynanchum, lonicera stem and leaf, dianthus, pyrrosia leaf, talcum, licorice root, mutong stem.

Functions and Indications:

To clear heat and disinhibit water, free strangury and expel stones. It is mainly used for stone strangury caused by lower burner damp-heat, such as the symptoms of aching pain in the lumbus and abdomen, poor urination or with hematuria, and urinary tract stones.


To be taken orally with boiled water, one sachet each time, and three times a day or follow the doctors’ advice.


1. Pregnant women and those with deficient spleen and sloppy stool should be careful to use it.

2.  During taking this product, please drink more water with proper exercise.

3.   Stop eating oily food.


15g/sachet×10 sachets/packet


Jiangxi Nanchuang Jisheng Herbal Product CO., LTD.


Q26: Prostate-Freeing Tablet*


Litchee, astragalus root, plantago seed, phellodendron bark, radde's anemone root, dandelion, lycopus, amber, star anise, cinnamon bark oil.

Functions and Indications:

To clear heat and disinhibit dampness, dispel stasis and free strangury.  It is mainly used for dribbling urinary block and strangury patterns caused by stagnation of damp and heat, such as the symptoms of urgency and frequency of urination, painful urination, dribbling after voiding, short and reddish urine, difficulty in urinating, poor strangury, abdominal distention, perineal pain, chronic prostatitis, hyperplasia of prostate gland.


To be taken orally, 6 tablets each time, and three times a day. 30 to 45 days a course.  


108 tablets/packet


Guangzhou Zhongyi Herbal Product CO., LTD.



Q25: Stone-Dispelling Capsules



Moneywort, astragalus root, epimedium, corydalis tuber, lygodium spore, mallow seed, plantago seed, gizzard lining, talcum, poria, etc.

Functions and Indications:

Supplementing the spleen, disinhabiting urine, and expelling stones. It is used for treating kidney stones, ureteral stones, hydronephrosis, urethra infection.


Those with double kidney stones or the stone is above 0.5cm should not take it.


Taking orally, 5 pills each time, three times a day.

Drinking water 300 to 500ml after meal, and do jumping 10 to 15 times. The weak patients can do less. Patients should pay attention to the situation of discharging urine every time.


45 pills/packet


Jilin Yinnuoke Herbal Product CO., LTD.



Q24: Multiple-Ingredients Snow Ginseng Capsule


Notoginseng root, sparganium root, zedoary, gleditsia thorn, lycopus, rhubarb, vaccaria seed, polyporus, morning glory seed, epimedium, sea hoarse, bushy knotweed root, etc.

Functions and Indications:

Quickening the blood circulation and transforming stasis, dispersing swelling and dissipating bind, disinhabiting water and freeing strangury. It is used to treat difficulties of expelling urine, frequent urination, painful urination, narrow urinary tuber, and urinary dripping.


Those who have insufficiency of the liver and kidney should be careful of using it.

When taking it, please avoid eating spicy food, and avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.


Taking orally, 3 pills each time, three times a day, four weeks can a treatment course.


24 capsules/packet


Xi An Tianan Herbal Product CO., LTD.


Q01: Three Gold Tablet


Cherokee root, China root, etc.

Functions and Indications:

Clearing heat, detoxicating, excreting dampness, opening strangury and nourishing kidneys. It can be used for damp-heat of the lower-warmer, hot strangury, scanty and darkish urine, burning urethra. This product is applied in treatment of pyelitis, cystitis, urinary inflammation due to down-rushing of damp-heat.


To be taken orally, three to four tablets each time, three times per day.


36 tablets/pack


Guiling Sanjin Herbal Product Company.


Q02: Prostate Recovery Tablet


Pollen of Chinese cabbage.

Functions and Indications:

Tonifying kidney and consolidating root. It can be used for insecurity of the kidney qi, aching pains and softness of the waist and knees, dribbling urine, urinary incontinence, chronic prostatitis and enlarged prostate.


To be taken orally, three to four tablets each time, three times a day.


60 tablets/packet


Zhejiang Kangengbei Herbal Product Company.


Q03: Major Toxicity-Defeating Capsule


Rhubarb, dandelion, tangerine peel, lonicera flower, frankincense, tangkuei root.

Functions and Indications:

Clearing blood, resolving toxicity, reducing swelling and relieving pains. It is a special product to cure syphilis, urethritis, constipation and scabies.


To be taken orally, five capsules each time, four times per day.


10 ×2 capsules/packet


Tonghua Zhenghe Herbal Product CO., LTD.


Q04: Four Ingredients Nephritis Tablet


Gardenia, scutellaria root, pyrrosia leaf, astragalus root.

Functions and Indications:

Quickening blood circulation, removing blood stasis, clearing heat, resolving toxicity, tonifying kidneys and enriching qi. It is used to treat chronic nephritis.


To be taken orally, eight tablets each time, three times per day.


100 tablets/packet


Hubei Yixiong Xiangui Herbal Product CO., LTD.


Q05: Stone And Strangury Opening Soluble Preparation



Function and Indications:

Clearing heat, eliminating dampness, promoting urination and opening strangury. It is used to treat urinary calculi, pyelitis and cholecystitis.


To be taken orally, 15 grams each time, three times per day.


15 grams ×10/packet


Nanning Weiwei Herbal Product Factory.


Q06: Prostate Spring-Returning Capsule


Bushy knotweed root, pangolin scale, centipede, earthworm, knotweed grass, astragalus root, radish seed.

Functions and Indications:

Clearing heat, detoxicating, quickening blood circualtion, dispersing blood stasis, reducing swelling, relieving pains, enriching brain and marrow, increasing essence, warming yang and returning spring. It can be used to treat chronic prostatitis, characterized by urinary urgency, frequent urination, burning sensation in the urethra, reduced sexual desire, impotence and premature ejaculation.


To be taken orally, four to six capsules each time, twice or three times daily.


30 capsules/packet


Jiling Dongfeng Herbal Product Company.


Q07: Heat-Clearing Strangury-Opening Tablet


Flavescent sophora root, imperata, borax.

Functions and Indications:

Clearing heat, excreting dampness and opening strangury. It is used to treat hot strangury due to damp-heat in the lower-warmer which is manifested as urgent and frequent urination, tingling pains in the urethra, turbid urine, a bitter taste in the mouth and dry lips.


To be taken orally, four capsules each time, three times per day.       


36 pills/packet


Jiling Tonghua Jinma Herbal Product Company.


Q09: Excretion-Calming Peace Capsule


Cotton rose flower, imperata, etc.

Functions and Indication:

Clearing heat, detoxicating, excreting dampness, opening strangury. It can be used for hot stranguary (such as gonorrhea, inflammation of urinary tract, prostatitis) with urgency and frequency of urination, dribbling urine, painful urination, abdominal colic.


To be taken orally, three to four capsules each time, three times per day


12 ×3 capsules/packet


Guiyang Xintian Herbal Product CO., LTD.


Q11: Kidney Stones Opening Soluble Preparation


Moneywort, vaccaria seed, knotgrass, dianthus, lygodium spore, salvia root.

Functions and Indications:

Clearing heat, excreting dampness, quickening blood circulation, relieving pains, dissolving stones and discharging stones. It can be used for calculi in the kidneys, bladder and urethra.


To be taken after being dissolved in luke-warm drinking water, one sachet each time, twice a day.


10 sachets/packet


Hunan 999 Nankai Herbal Product CO., LTD.


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