Manchurian Aristolochia Stem

TCM China:

   Introduction To Manchurian Aristolochia Stem (mu tong)











Manchurian Aristolochia Stem (mu tong)

Caulis Aristolochiae Manshuriensis

Properties: The herb is bitter in flavour, and cold in nature. It acts on the heart, small intestine and urinary bladder channels. Being bitter and cold for clearing heat and inducing diuresis, it is good at removing fire from the heart, inducing diuresis, treating stranguria, relieving fire of excess type, and eliminating pathogenic damp-heat by diuresis. The herb is indicated for excessive fire in the heart channel, vexation and dark urine. In addition, it can also clear breast channel and has the effect of stimulating the secretion of milk.

Effects: Inducing diuresis, treating stranguria, removing fire from the heart and clearing breast channel.


1. To treat damp-heat in the urinary bladder and dribbling urination with pain, the herb is often used in combination with capejasmine fruit, plantain seed, talc and other herbs for inducing diuresis and treating stranguria.

2. To treat excessive fire in the heart channel, aphthae, sore of the tongue, vexation and dark urine, the herb is often used in combination with bamboo leaf, liquorice, rehmannia root for eliminating the heart fire, inducing diuresis and treating stranguria, such as Daochi Powder.

3. To treat stagnation of breast ducts and galactostasis after childbirth , the herb is  often used in combination with pangolin scales , cowherb seed, Chinese angelica root and other herbs for restoring menses and stimulating milk secretion .

In addition, used to treat arthralgia syndrome due to damp-heat, amenorrhea due to blood stasis and other syndromes, the herb has the effects of promoting blood circulation and easing joint movement.

Dosage and administration: 3-6g.

Precautions: Be careful in pregnancy.