On May 3rd, 2015, the first international Arabic
group of TCM students arrived our hospital, they will study here
three weeks.

On April 12th, 2015,
Indian TCM Students went to
Fenghuang City to enjoy the nice weekend.

On April 5th, 2015, Indian TCM Students Group
arrived in Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital. They will
study TCM for two weeks.

On March 12th , 2015, our
international friends from Argentina, South Africa and Saudi
Arabia visited the high speed train station of our city,

In February 2015, patients
and students from Mongolia, Holland, India,
Australia, Romania, Switzerland and USA enjoyed the China's New
Sheep Year here with us.

Indonesia TCM students &
other foreign students visit Fenghuang City.

Indonesia TCM students
visit the Arch of Anti-Japanese War Victory & Surrender

Welcome Banquet For Algeria TCM
Study Group.
On March 23th, 2014, the second group of TCM
students from Algeria came to our hospital for TCM Learning.
More Pictures Of Our International Students
More of students videos>>>