TCM China:  

Record of Herbal Treatment Of Hagit from Israel Improvement Of  MND









Brief Summary: Hagit, from Israel, has received our treatments for 39 days for suffering from motor neuron disease. By the doctors’ efforts, she has got obvious improvement. Her treatment is successful.


Records of Hospitalization

Name: Hagit                                                                                                         Birthplace: Israel

Sex: Female                                                                                                          Occupation: Actress

Age: 24                                                                                                                  Date of Admission: Nov.20, 2009

Nationality: Jew                                                                                                    Date of Record: Nov.20, 2009

Marital Status: Married                                                                                       Onset Season: Beginning of summer

Complainer: The patient herself.


First Medical Record

Date: Nov.20, 2009                                                     Time: 10:00 a. m.

Hagit, a 24-year-old female, who has suffered from motor neuron disease, was hospitalized in our hospital for comprehensive treatment at 01:00 a.m. on Nov. 20, 2009.

Essentials for Diagnosis:

1. The patient had had difficulty in walking for 6 months. Besides, she had had muscular dystrophy for 18 months.

2. Two year ago, the patient began to have difficulty in bending her fingers without obvious reason. Then she had muscular dystrophy 18 months ago. At last, she had difficulty in walking 6 months ago. In July of 2009, she was diagnosed as motor neuron disease by EMG in her local hospital. At the same time, she was given Rilutek for her treatment. However, she did not get a good result. At last, she decided to come to our hospital to receive the comprehensive treatment on Nov. 20, 2009.

3. T 36.1, P 72 times/minute, R 20 times/minute, BP 100/60mmHg.

4. She grew normally with medium nutrition. Her mind is conscious. She looked tired with a feeling of chronic illness.

5. No thoracic deformity. Sound of breath was bilaterally normal on auscultation. No sound of pleural friction. Heart border was normal. Heart beat was 72 times/minute. Cardiac rhythm was regular. No pathological murmurs on auscultation.

6. The patient had obvious muscular dystrophy. There were cracks in the middle of the tongue. Her pulse was slippery.

7. Accessory examination: none.

Diagnostic Basis:

TCM: The patient had had muscular dystrophy for 18 months. Besides, she had difficulty in walking for 6 months. The patient felt weakness of the upper limbs. Her fingers also had difficulty in doing exercise. For example, she could not write by her hand. At the same time, her sleep was not good. There were cracks in the middle of the tongue. Her pulse was slippery. According to the symptoms of the tongue and pulse, she was diagnosed as wilting pattern.

Western Medicine: The patient had had muscular dystrophy for 18 months. Besides, she had had difficulty in walking for 6 months. The patient felt weakness of the upper limbs. Her fingers also had difficulty in doing exercise. In July of 2009, she was diagnosed as motor neuron disease by EMG.

Diagnostic Differentiation:

TCM: The patient's wilting pattern should be differentiated from impediment pattern. Wilting pattern is mainly characterized by limp, emaciated sinews and bones, with weakness of the muscles. However, impediment pattern is generally characterized by joint pains. So they are not difficult to be distinguished.

Western Medicine: The motor neuron disease should be differentiated from syringomyelia. The syringomyelia can cause the spinal swollen. The disease can be diagnosed clearly by the examination of MRI.

First Diagnosis:

TCM diagnosis: Wilting pattern

Symptom identification: Spleen-qi vacuity and blood failing to nourish the heart

Western Medicine diagnosis: motor neuron disease

Plans for treatment strategy and nursing:

1. Routine care of traditional Chinese internal medicine.

2. Grade II care.

3. Under the care of a companion.

4. Food with high protein.

5. TCM treatment strategy: fortify the spleen and boost qi, nourish the blood and quiet the spirit.

6. Herbal tea: one dosage a day and drink twice.

7. Acupuncture and massage: once a day.

8. Have more medical examinations if necessary.


Date: November 21, 2009                                       Time: 10: 00 a. m.

The patient had had muscular dystrophy for 18 months. Besides, she had had difficulty in walking for 6 months. The patient felt weakness of the upper limbs. Her fingers also had difficulty in doing exercise. In July of 2009, she was diagnosed as motor neuron disease by EMG in her local hospital. She was diagnosed as wilting pattern by TCM. Then according to her latest symptoms, our expert team prepared a special formula for her for the first time.


Date: November 22, 2009                                       Time: 10: 00 a. m.

The feedback of the examination today was as follows: Blood R (), Urine R (). The function of the liver was normal as well as the kidneys. Then we changed the formula a little for the first time.


Date: November 25, 2009                                       Time: 10: 00 a. m.

The patient said that she felt more comfortable than before. And her sleep also became better. Sometimes she had sweat on her eyebrow at night. 


Date: November 30, 2009                                       Time: 10: 00 a. m.

Yesterday, the patient had a cold. Her other conditions were in normal. Then we changed her formula a little for the second time.


Date: December 5, 2009                                       Time: 10: 00 a. m.

The patient had menstruation today. She felt lumbago and bellyache. She said that she felt much better then before. Then according to her latest condition, we changed her formula for the third time.


Date: December 10, 2009                                       Time: 10: 00 a. m.

The patient’s menstruation ended. Her other conditions were normal. Then she was told to use the formula of November 30.


Date: December 15, 2009                                       Time: 10: 00 a. m.

The patient said that she had burning heat sensation of the stomach. Her other conditions were good. Then we changed her formula for the fourth time.


Date: December 20, 2009                                       Time: 10: 00 a. m.

The patient had a cold yesterday. Then we changed the formula a little for her.


Date: December 25, 2009                                       Time: 10: 00 a. m.

The patient felt that everything was OK. Her walking had improved a lot. Her sleep was good. So she still used the same formula to consolidate the result.


Date: November 27, 2009                                       Time: 10: 00 a. m.

The patient decided to leave the hospital tomorrow.



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