TCM China:  

Good Comments about Our Herbal Products









Thank you, Dr. Ming, for your kind advice:

Sausurean Qi-Smoothing Pills G02.

After 2 weeks taking I realised an astonishing and satisfing success: The nightly gas blow-up in my stomach has totally disappeared and a complete well-being during daytime could be diagnosed.

I will continue to take this medicine for the next three weeks, before contacting you again.


Dr. Ming:

I am feeling better; the prostate symptoms are less.

I understand that I had such a condition for about

11 to 12 years, and can not cure or heal in a short

time. I am keeping the Q06 in reserve... if I need.

For now, all is OK.

Will contact TCM about April/May for a tune-up.

Thank you,

Vernon Shabunia


hello i am very happy with your products  the T05 were extremely helpful in
reducing hot flashes and severe headaches at night that i assume are related to
menopause.  i bought them for weight  control but instead found them to be the best
for these other  bothersome symptoms.  can you explain this to me ?  I  have a moderate
understanding of chinese herbs..   thank you very much


Hello Dr Ming. Sorry if I couldn't reply to your letter, but I had a very
busy time.
The herbal products (
6 units X15: Psoriasis Disappearing Tablet ) for psoriasis are working well. My client is happy about it; she
has a severe psoriasis and with your product has starting to go away.
Thanks very much, your products are so powerful...naturally powerful.


Dear Dr. Ming,
Thanks for your kind email. I was very busy in these days with my assignments. My health condition is a better now. I have a good news. I have observed some new pigmentation spot in my face. It means that pills (
X04: Vitiligo  Pill) worked well. You know, I am very satisfied with it. I wanna buy more packages, but I could not buy at the moment. You know, currently I am in Prague now. And I have to cover my living and accommodation expenses here. For this reason, I cannot pay for packages now. When I go back to my country, I will be better off for that. I'll be available in my country by the beginning of January.

I hope you understand my situation well. Thank you.

Best regards, Bolormaa.

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