Dr. Ming and his Staff, Invited Guests, Fellow Patients and
I am privileged and honored to participate on this special
occasion celebrating the birth of eleven of the most unique
medical institutions in the world, The Dr. Ming's TCM group.
From an international perspective, eleven years of the Dr.
Ming's TCM group represents eleven years of service by a
dedicated team of medical practitioners and their noble fight to
minimise the suffering of mankind from difficult chronic
diseases. It means eleven years of giving hope and comfort to
thousands of people frightened out of their minds by diseases
that another part of the world has already cynically declared
'incurable'. It means eleven years of combating complicated
chronic diseases with genius application of time honored natural
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Having traveled halfway across the globe ourselves to this
world-famous treatment centre for and having spoken to many
other patients who have been through this hospital I am also
glad to confirm that eleven years of the Dr. Ming's TCM group to
us all means eleven years of winning the global war against
despair, hopelessness and pessimism.
To sum it up Zhongfang Red Cross International Hospital
represents light and hope for troubled mankind. Its visionary
founding is the only reason why we are here and smiling today.
Ladies and gentlemen, the least we can do on this wonderful
occasion is to thank and applaud the facilitating government of
the Republic of China, Dr. Ming and his pioneering team of
founding fathers, and his entire working team on the occasion
marking the hospitals' 11th Anniversary.
Congratulations and thank you once again. We wish your centre
more success and many more anniversaries.
Tendai and Mackey
ALS Patient from Zimbabwe
26 August 2011