TCM China:  

Improvement of Diabetes II for Mr. A from Saudi Arabia in Our Hospital, Huaihua, China.









Record of Hospitalization 

Name: Mr. A                                                                        Sex: male

Age: 43                                                                                Profession: computer program designer

Nationality: Saudi Arabia                                                      Date of hospitalization: June 15, 2006 

Marital Status: married


Major complaints:

The patient always has the symptoms of polyphagia, polydipsia, polyuria and thirst for three years. He also suffers back pains, and couldn¡¯t stretch freely. He took an examination at the local hospital and found that he had hyperglycemia and high blood fat. He turns to TCM treatment because of the side effect caused by western medicine. Pressing pains of the left kidney area. Impotence. Dry and itching skin.


History of present illness:

The bowel movement is normal. The pulse is fine and rapid. Whitish and greasy tongue coating. He has no infectious disease history of tuberculosis, hepatitis and typhoid. No history of blood transfusion and no allergy to any medicine.


Physical Examination:

Normal growth of her body and common nutrition level. Clear consciousness and cooperative. No yellow stain of the skin sclera. No edema of the superficial lymph nodes. Normal growth of his head and five sense organs. Symmetrical size of the pupillae. Sensitive to the light reflection. No hyperaemia in the throat. No edema of the tonsil and thyroid gland. Thoracic cage is symmetrical. Clear percussion sound. Normal breath sound in the lungs. he heart rate are 74 times per minute. Normal rhythm of the heart. The abdomen is flat and soft. No pressing pains and no rebound tenderness. Pressing pains of the left kidney area. Normal intestinal gurgling sound. No malformation of spinal column and limbs. 

Diagnosis of Chinese Medicine : wasting-thirst (exuberant heat of lung and stomach)

Diagnosis of Western Medicine: diabetes type ¢ò and hyperlipaemia.  

The treatment strategy: clearing away the stomach-heat, reduce fire, nourish yin and boost qi. We use herbal tea combined with acupuncture and massage for his treatment.


July 17, 2006

Good sleep at night. Slight dizziness. Three times night urination. Back pains.  

July 18, 2006

Slight dizziness. Thirst and like drinking. The pulse is fine and rapid. Whitish and thin tongue coating. Reddish tongue body.  

white ginseng  10g£¬fresh rehmannia root  20g£¬anemarrhena root  15g£¬scrophularia root  10g£¬ etc. 

July 22, 2006

Reduced food intake in the recent days. So we add atractylodes root 6g and fresh rehmannia root 20g into the original formula.  

July 26, 2006 

His blood sugar becomes normal basically. Much food intake and drinking much have been under control. The patient demands left hospital.  

Doctor's advice after leaving hospital:

1. Keep on doing daily excise.

2. Control the diet. Avoid sugar and fat intake.

Continue with the herbal tea to consolidate the treatment result. 



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