November 19, 2005. Our international patients respectively from
Sweden, Indonesia and Ecuador (South America) stay together with
our working staff in our Huaihua Red Cross Hospital.

November 15th, 2005, our patient from Ecuador, South America,
comes to our hospital with the family members for TCM treatment.

eight years old little boy Omar from Kuwait suffering from
narcrosis of the head of the left femur (Perth's disease), came
to our hospital for herbal treatment. His father Barrack and
uncle Suoud take care of him here for about 70 days. Operation
is avoided after herbal treatment and massage and acupuncture.
Picture taken on November 1, 2005. His condition is improved
quite well, and the weight is increased by 6 kilograms. The
pains and limping of the leg disappear. The length distance
between the two legs is shortened from one centimeter to 0.2
centimeter. He is the first patient who is introduced to China
by the government of Kuwait.
Please check details here
If you
speak Arabic language or English and would like to know more
information and treatment about our hospital, please contact Mr.
Suoud on his email

September 19, 2005. Mr.
Matongo from Zimbabwe of South Africa, who suffers from brain
tumor has been in our hospital for 27 days. His wife Spiwe takes
care of him here. After 36 days TCM comprehensive treatment, his
brain tumor is reduced a lot and he could walk 5 meters without
Please check details of his treatment here.

international friends from USA, Saudi
Denmark are hospitalized here for TCM treatment. Some of them
suffer from internationally difficult conditions such as ALS
(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and MS (multiple sclerosis).
Picture taken on July 8, 2005.
Check Soren's ALS improvement after 20 days treatment here.
Also you
could check the unbelievable good treatment result for the 4
years old baby Warda from Pakistan. Ten days treatment is making
the hemoglobin increase rather than dropping dramatically.
Please check details of her thalassemia and our treatment here.
Pictures of Our International Patients