22, 2006. In this week, some new patients suffering from chronic
fatigue syndrome, epilepsy, rheumatoid, deafness, overweight,
vertebra disc prolapse, prostate pains arrived at our hospital
from Saudi Arabia, America, Kuwait, Burma, and Kenya.

British friend Miss D suffering from MS is getting comprehensive
treatment here in our hospital for three weeks. She is satisfied
with our professional service. June 17, 2006.

The left picture, the MS patient from Malaysia got full sense of
the total body after staying in bed without sense for three
years, 40 days treatment here. She is continuing the treatment
to stand up hopefully.
Please check the details here. The right picture, Dr. Argi
from Indonesia visited our hospital to become the sole agent in
his country to introduce patients to our hospital. June, 2006.

June 7th,2006, the girl
who has got MS and comes from Australia, and Abdulrahman,
the little boy, who comes from Oman. The boy has got
Brain problem.
Contact his father Faisal on
, Tel: 00968 99355664.
Please check the details here. The girl has
got obvious
improvement in several days treatment.
Please check the details here. Contact her aunt Mary on
marylegena@hotmail.com. The father of the girl chats
with us through internet with satisfaction,
please check.

The American patient Mr. P come to our hospital for the TCM
treatment on June 5, 2006. Here is the photo he took with our
doctors and working staff after the treatment. He is quite
satisfied with the service we offer.

Mr. H from Saudi
Arabia came to our hospital for treatment on May 18, he has
suffered from chronic atrophic gastritis for 23 years. After TCM
treatment he gets 80% recovery. The distending pains of stomach
have disappeared and abdominal distention has obviously relieved
as well.
Please check the details here.