Invigorating the liver and kidney, keeping kidney essence,
reducing urination, and checking perspiration and
1. For
insufficiency of kidney-yang induced debility of the
lower-jiao manifested as spermatorrhea and frequent
urination. it is often used with herbs for invigorating the
kidney o preserve essence such as Fructus Psoraleae,
Sement Astrgali Complanati, Semen Euryales, Radix
Rehmanniae Preaparata. Rhizoma Dioscoreae, etc. For
lassitude of the loins and knees, dizziness, tinnitus,
night sweat, and spermatorrhear due to deficiency of both
liver-and kidney-yin, it is often used with Radis
Rehmanniae Preaparata, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Cortex Moutan
Radicis, as in Rehmannia Bolus of Six Ingredients (Liuwei
Dihuang Wan).
2. For deficiency
of Chong and Ren Meridians with menorrhagia, netrorrhagia
and metrostaxis, it is often prescrided with drugs for
curing metrorrhagia and leukorrhagia such as Radix
Astragali seu Hedysari, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Os Sepiella seu
sepiae, etc.
3. For night sweat
due to Yin-deficiency and spontaneous sweating because of
Qi-deficiency, it is often prescribed with drugs for
consolidating the superficies to stop sweaing, such as Os
Draconis Fossilia Ossis Mastodi, Concha Ostreae, Fructus
Tritici Levis, Fructus Schisandrae, etc.